Essential Acts Of Service

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Development&Launch progress

What began initially as a simple concept revolving around giving back to restaurants I had either worked for, or frequented as a foodie depending on what was going on in my life, has transformed into a fully realized documentary project. With the objective being to give back by documenting those striving to serve during this transformative and uncertain time in our lives dealing with global pandemic, the list of eateries to photograph is growing by the day. It’s extremely gratifying to see people make it! Currently there are six eateries published on this site. My goal for launch is 10, and hopefully that has been met by the time you’re reading this. Other objectives include: 1) incorporating funding through donation via GoFundMe, or some other method; 2) registering as a 501 c3; 3) perhaps bringing other photographers into the project. Because, as much as I like to pretend I can do it all, I need help with the sheer enormity of coverage.

Developement is nearly complete as I continue to refine little details on the backend that you the viewer won’t see, but instead enjoy through a smooth web viewing experience. 

Launch is coming soon! I owe a big THANK YOU to long-time friend and consultant, Rami Daud, for never ending support through all things in my life – a true friend. Also, THANK YOU to Gary Harwood for the vote of support AND naming the project! And lastly, THANK YOU to Liz, my wife, for understanding and accepting all my foibles. I promise to try and curtail the grumpiness that stems from being behind a computer. I love you!

Finally, I’m extremely gratified for the welcoming hospitality of today’s documentation of the Brimfield Bread Oven, in Brimfield (near Kent), that Genevieve, and her husband Jud own and run. Their tireless work is so inspirational! Apparently, my elevator pitch works on a whim! ; )
